Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A poopie rolled down the stairs at me...

Another amazing day as a SAHD in Connecticut. About an hour ago, my daughter announced to me that she wanted to sit on the potty. At 2.5, we should be entering the potty training period any day now, so this was welcome news.

After about 15 minutes on the potty, she told me she was having a poopie. Checking out the situation, I found nothing, so I figured maybe some privacy was in order, after all, that is something that 99% of all creatures desire when a #2 is imminent. So I close the bathroom door and head downstairs to provide some space. 5 minutes later, I hear, "Daddy, I have a poopie!"

Thinking that this potty training thing was going to be a breeze, I round the stairway to had back up to help with wiping when, Bounce, Bounce, Bounce, Bounce... down comes the training potty foam ring, bouncing towards me with you know what smeared all over the ring. When it landed at my feet, you know what was all over the carpeted stairs too... My parenting skills need some work, that is for sure. But at least we have 1 poopie in said potty.


Ashley. said...

LOL! hilarious story. cant wait to read more



Mike, Amy, Max and Lily said...

love, love, love it! how thoughtful of her to bring the poopie to you!

Mike, Amy, Max and Lily said...

Looks like you'll have to rename this blog!x